2004年よりマンガ翻訳者として活動を始め、『満月をさがして』の英語版の翻訳で翻訳者デビュー(クレジット表記は “Tomo Kimura”)。訳書は300冊を超える。主な担当作品は『推しに甘噛み』『ハデス様の無慈悲な婚姻』『黒執事』『かくりよの宿飯』『かぐや様は告られたい(共訳)』『BEASTARS/BEAST COMPLEX(共訳)』 『スキップ・ビート!』など。
担当講座は『マンガ英訳入門編』『マンガ英訳実践編』および 『フリー翻訳者のためのPC環境・税務セミナー』。
I started translating manga in 2004 after a career in software engineering.
Debuting with Full Moon O Sagashite, translated works include Otaku Vampire’s Love Bite, Lord Hades’s Ruthless Marriage, Black Butler, Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, Kaguya-sama: Love is War (co-translation), BEASTARS/BEAST COMPLEX (co-translation), and Skip Beat!. Over 300 volumes of translated manga has been published in the U.S. as of August 2024.
BEASTARS received the 2020 Eisner Awards nomination for Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia.
I also teach manga translation at Fellow Academy, a translation school in Tokyo. My introductory course teaches the basics of manga translation, with emphasis on translation issues for Japanese students whose native language is not English. My intermediate course discusses practical techniques, and students get hands-on experience through assignments.
LinkedIn ID: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomo-kimura-manga